

adventures in life, music & technology

Silent Order: Ninite Silent Updates

I’ve been wanting to put together a script to automate software updates with NinitePro for a while now, and finally deployed my first version. Right now it simply checks to see if NinitePro is in the specified location and silently updates all the apps it can or reports back that the application is not found. Since I have had some requests to share it, I figured I’d just put up a blog post instead of sending out a bunch of emails.

It has been tested to work with LogicNow‘s MaxFocus platform as an automated task. I have seen some other scripts that maintain an exclusion of TeamViewer under the premise of preventing any interference with TakeControl. If that becomes necessary, I will probably update the script at that time. For now this does what I want, so I’m not going to worry about it. If I wind up putting this on FixIT Scripts or github, I’ll update this post. In the meantime, see if you can adapt this do what you need.

@IF EXIST "C:\Users\Public\Downloads\Ninite\NinitePro.exe" (
"C:\Users\Public\Downloads\Ninite\NinitePro.exe" /updateonly /disableshortcuts /disableautoupdate /silent .
) ELSE (
ECHO "Ninite not installed."
EXIT 1001

While you are working on your integration of this script, enjoy this Adi Newton (of Clock DVA fame) remix of Silent Order by the legendary Die Form.