

adventures in life, music & technology

Archive for September 2013

Asus X75A WiFi Hardware Disabled (Solved)

While setting up Ubuntu 13.04 on an Asus X75A, I encountered a most frustrating error message on the wireless networking: “Wi-fi disabled by hardware switch”. Having just used the interface in Windows, I knew it shouldn’t be disabled, but I tried the key combination to toggle it to no avail anyway. The card was Atheros… (read more)

Failed To Initialize Enigmail On Windows 7 (Solved)

I recently had an opportunity to make use of the PGP tutorial that Adam Witthauer and I wrote with Michael W. Dean for the Freedom Feens. Being only an occasional Windows user, I hadn’t tested our instructions outside of Windows XP, and I hit a snag after installing Enigmail. I kept getting an error message:… (read more)