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Posts filed under upgrade

Postfix authenticated relay broken after upgrade (Solved)

If you recently upgraded your Postfix mail server and found your outbound mail being refused as if it wasn’t even trying to authenticate, that actually may be the exact problem. Postfix 2.10 introduced the new setting of smtpd_relay_restrictions which can result in authenticated relay being disabled until you add a value to the new setting…. (read more)

Quantal Upgrades Mostly Painless. Mostly.

Ubuntu 12.10, codenamed Quantal Quetzal, was released October 18th. I upgraded my netbook over the internet and my wife’s netbook via a bootable USB flash drive made with Ubuntu’s Startup Disk Creator. Both methods were relatively painless and required the expected post upgrade maintenance of re-enabling third party software repositories. There were of course some… (read more)